“Delivering best in class travel and event services to the sports industry.”

sportsXpert offers:

  • Travel management for sports

  • International, national and regional capabilities

  • Excellent and efficient operations

  • Real-time data management with the right technology

  • Combining and uniting travel and event management

  • State-of-the-art traveller experience

  • Knowledge transfer

What areas do we work in?

We are active in all major sports from championships and tournaments, from motorsports to sailing and football.

Services and expertise

  • Travel and event management
  • Planning and operations
  • Sourcing and contract management
  • Real-time data management
  • Flights: scheduled, private aviation and charter
  • Accommodation including large groups for tournaments and teams
  • Ground transport operations
  • Arrival and departure services, including VVIP, VIP and welcome services
  • Crisis management and duty-of-care, including health and rescue
  • Travel insurance
  • Travel and expense policy advice
  • Exemption and visa management, including COVID
  • Sustainability in travel
  • Next level technology and strategy in travel
  • Coaching and training of your operations team for efficient use of systems

“We always find innovative solutions for your specific needs.”

Project Management

Consulting and Advisory

Data and Travel Management

Who do we address?

We serve international sports federations, national federations, clubs and leagues as well as hosts and organisers of sports events.


sportsXpert was founded in 2020 by Pierre-Yves Val and operates in collaboration with various experts from the sports and travel field.

Tailored solutions to resolve your problems

Various types of travel needs?

Across your organisation, we can help define and set up your travel and event management strategy to serve different event and travel types, such as championships, tournaments, conferences, general assemblies, corporate meetings, as well as standard business travel.

Still busy handing manual lists?

We show you how to move from spreadsheets to real-time data management in one system.

Why do we have all these people travelling?

With integrated planning and approval workflows, we can help you see your full travel overview.

Mixing VIPs and staff?

We can help you create the right approach for different target groups from VVIPs, to VIPs, guests, teams, media, delegates and staff.

Is your travel policy up to date?

We guide you in reviewing your travel policy and creating post-pandemic travel guidelines.

Looking for savings?

We help to analyse your current spend and find potential savings.  

Is manual travel expense reporting derailing financial targets?

We can guide you through the vast choice of digital travel expense applications, integration solutions and in particular their automation.

Did you choose the right travel agency?

We can support your search for the best travel sourcing process and select the agency or provider that fits your needs.

Earthquake, accident, hurricane, terrorism threat?

Unfortunately, we have experience with this too. We can help you achieve travel crisis management readiness.

Ever had a traveller with a heart attack?

We have. We can guide you through the requirements of duty-of-care for the well-being of your travellers and make sure your travel insurance covers your risks.

Impacted by COVID restrictions?

Through the pandemic, we have successfully relaunched numerous sports events through revised travel guidance and exemption management, including COVID test planning and integration.

Want your operations and travel team trained to the highest standard?

We can deliver on-the-job training to ensure your staff is properly equipped to manage new systems and handle all eventualities.

Our offices


Maison du Sport International
Avenue de Rhodanie 54
1007 Lausanne, Switzerland





Contact us 

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